miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

My summary about "Inmale" a story of :(Melmoth the wanderer)

There was a sweet criature in a far island, someone who doesn't know the meaning of the words, someone who staying always alone, she singing together the birds, she who swims with the dolphings.
She criying but only when her friends the animals died because she felt something strange in her heart, because she knew that she would never see the brightness of his eyes again.
The days got become years, so she grew up, now she became in a lady, probably the most beautiful woman that you had seen.
She doesn't have a name but she know who she is, she knows the things that they want to ... at least until then.

One day when she was observing the horizont, she can see an object, she has never seen anything like that, She felt curiosity, according as the boat was get closer she felt fear, fear of the unknown.When the boat arrived at the island, a man went down and ..

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